

Aku ada satu teka teki utk korg. Benda apa kan, semakin panas, jd semakin keras? Haa. Fikir2 :D
Aku takkan cakap jawapan dia. So pandai2 lah korg fikir. Hehe.

Hm. Btw, smlm aku tido before pukul 12 mlm. Mengantuk sgt kot. Then, I suddenly woke up around 2 a.m. Kenapa? Cause I miss you, girlfriend. I really do. And I ain’t joking. Rasa mcm nak menangis je. And kalau tak silap, aku termimpi pasal dia time tido tu. First time kot. Habis je mimpi, terus tersedar. Aku try recall balik apa yang aku mimpi tu. But then, still samar2. Until now, I can’t get her out of my mind, you know. Tp takpe lah. Stay there je, jgn pergi mana2 yee :) I think it’s okay for me even if you keep playing in my mind for whole day long. Seriously :DD

Hm. Is this normal? I mean, is it normal for a friend to miss his/her friend sampai termimpi- mimpi? Or am I in critical state? Oh no!

P/s: Girlfriend tu kawan perempuan aje okay. Bukan teman wanita :D

disebabkan aku baik hati, jawapan utk teka- teki kt atas tu adalah telur :DD