

Meh kutuk meh :D

Today's victim: Manchester United

29 May 2011. UEFA Champions League Final between Barcelona and United. Gempak kot. I'm updating my blog while watching the match :D

This is awesome, man. Barca, leading by 3 goals to 1, are dominating the match. The goal scored by Pedro was awesome, the goal scored by Messi was much better, and the goal by Villa? PERFECT! :) It looks like a shooting practice for Barca. Haha nice one! :D

Ehem2. Let's get back to the topic - mengutuk :P

Byk gila benda yang aku tak puas hati pasal match ni. Especially pasal goal Rooney tu. Giggs offside lah td weyh! -.- Pastu, lagi satu pasal kekejaman Valencia. Da empat kali tackle org pun, still tak kena book. Tak aci betul. Haih. Ferguson pulak, tak habis2 kunyah gula2 getah dr awal match sampailah habis. Tercekik jugak kang pacik tu. Haha. Tak pasal Ferguson pun kena :P

tick tock, tick tock.

Yeay, ref da tiup final whistle. Barcelona menang heee :D Padan muka kt United puny fans yang suka cakap besar. Tak payah mimpi nak menang lah weyy. Diam kau, diam! Haha.

P/s: Ayah aku pun United fan jugak. Lepas je United concede first goal tu, terus dia masuk tido balik. Kesian pulak. Huhu.


"Hmmmmph. Tak sempat berbuat apa2. Nak mengeluh pun takde guna jugak. So, buat taktau jelahh, even sedikit perit, sedikit sakit, sedikit tersiksa"


Oh btw, hi peeps :)

Today is Monday, tomorrow will be, um.. Okay I forgot xD

Yesterday was fun, yesterday was nice. Today is not so fun, or in other word, SAD. But then, how about tomorrow? I hope tomorrow will be fun as well. But seriously, it won't turn out to be that way. It WON'T, I knew it. I need some time to think, to let go everything that makes me sad. Damn. I think I need someone special to hold on to. Blahh. What a wasteful hope.

Love, make your way to me.
It is not about how we care in the beginning, but how much we care till the ending. So cupid, if you can hear me, pick your aim. I don't care if she is a stranger or maybe a friend, Just shoot her with your arrow of love. Let her be mine, let her fall for me :D


Aku takkan lelah menunggu
Hingga waktu ajal menjemputku
Takkan pernah ada sesalku untuk menunggumu
Aku harus tetap menunggu
Hingga nanti aku berbaring
Sampai mati aku akan tetap menunggumu
Ingin ku gapai bulan dan ku petik bintang
Ingin ku berikan semua hanya untukmu
Agar kau tahu besarnya cintaku kepada dirimu
Ku ingin kau tahu tentang perasaanku
Ku ingin kau tahu besar cinta padamu
Ingin ku berikan sisa waktuku
Dan sisa umurku sampai mati
Aku harus tetap menunggu
Hingga nanti aku berbaring
Sampai mati aku akan tetap akan tetap menunggumu
Ingin ku gapai bulan dan ku petik bintang
Ingin ku berikan semua hanya untukmu
Agar kau tahu besarnya cintaku kepada dirimu
Ku ingin kau tahu tentang perasaanku
Ku ingin kau tahu besar cinta padamu
Ingin ku berikan sisa waktuku
Dan sisa umurku
Ingin ku gapai bulan dan ku petik bintang
Ingin ku berikan semua hanya untukmu
Agar kau tahu besarnya cintaku kepada dirimu
Ingin ku gapai bulan dan ku petik bintang
Ingin ku berikan semua hanya untukmu
Agar kau tahu besarnya cintaku kepada dirimu
Ku ingin kau tahu tentang perasaanku
Ku ingin kau tahu besar cinta padamu
Ingin ku berikan sisa waktuku
Dan sisa umurku sampai mati
woah best gila lagu :D



FB Chat! Kenapa kau buat begini kt aku? Apa salah aku kt kau selama ni? Sampai hati kau yea.

Huhu. Kalau korg perasan, Fb chat teruk gila skrg ni. Aku taktau apa masalah dia. haih. Menyusahkan aje lah -.-

I'll give you two examples here :)

A tegur B, pastu B reply balik kt A. Tp dr sudut pandangan A, B masih belum reply. Padahal B da lama reply kt A tu.

A tegur B. B reply kt A. Tp, chat tu cakap si A da off. Padahal A still on.

I think you understand now, rite? :)


Hey guys :D

I want to give you some tips on how to concentrate well during your study. This is all about your STUDY ZONE :DD
There are six rules, btw. Take a look (:

Find yourself a regular, quiet place where the only thing you will do is homework and study. Never study on bed.

Plan your special study zone to be quiet. Noisy distractions of TV, radio or people won't help you concentrate. Telephones should be turned off.

Your study zone should have all the materials you need, including a dictionary, notes, some papers, erasers, etc.

You study zone should be clutter-free. Keep a separate folder or binder for each subject. Never bring games, toys, magazines into your study zone, be warned they will attract you

Study alone! Your study zone should be just for you, and you alone. Inviting friends could mean you will end up talking instead of studying.

I am too lazy to write. heheh

Okay I think 5 rules are enough for you la kids :P Banyak2 pun buat apa jugak kan, korg bukannya nak ikut apa aku nasihat pun kan? -_____-"
So, kalau nak compare ngan aku punya study zone, mmg jauh beza kot haha.


#1. aku suka study atas katil. Bole peluk bantal :DD

#2. handphone aku sentiasa on and aku takkan off time study okay.

#3. aku takde dictionary tebal2 sume tu. tp handphone aku ada dictionary. Sebab tu lah aku takkan off handphone. Ceh alasan, haha :D

#4. Never bring games, eh? Aku rasa games tu wajib kot. heheh.

#5. Aku suka study ramai2 le.

#6. -____-"

So, dari 5 rules tu, aku rasa aku ada persamaan ngan yang #3 aje. Hehe. Aku nasihatkan korg, ikut lah rules kt atas tu. Ni pun utk kebaikan korg je :)


Hi all :D

Sejuknyee. Td baru lepas maen futsal, and then time nak balik tu, tetiba hujan pulak. Ngek je. Ingat nak pecut je, tp lagi laju pecut, lagi sakit mata sebab air hujan masuk mata laju2 kan. Ish. So, I was left with no choice. Terpaksa bawa slow-slow. Laju sikit je daripada kura2. Tp takpe lah. Biar lambat asalkan selamat =P

So, um. Td kawan aku yang aku kenal since sekolah rendah cakap dia nak pindah bulan tujuh ni kt Kelantan. Jauh kot dr Kuantan ni. Da tak bole nak maen futsal, melepak, and sume2 tu lah. Aku harap next time dpt jumpa dia lagi. Jaga diri baik2, bro :)

So now taktau nak buat apa dahh. Td aku semangat gila nak balik rumah. Nak buka fb je padahal. Haha. Tp, lepas dpt online dlm pukul satu pagi td, hmm. Terus down balik :/

It's okay lah, esok ada lagi :D

Oh btw, lepas jumaat nanti ada test JPJ. Sumpah takut. Aku rasa aku belum prepare kot. Lagipun, aku baru je dua hari berlatih parking and bukit tu. -.- Taknak lah fail kan. Kang ada jugak aku rasuah org JPJ tu. Okay tak baik :P



Hello :)

Korg pernah makan steamboat tak? Best kan? Kalau korg nak tau, bulan ni je da 3 kali ayah aku bawa aku pergi makan steamboat. Haritu, kelmarin and yang latest, semalam :)

Yang haritu punya steamboat tak best. Bukannya apa, cuma tak byk choice yang ada kt kedai tu. Then, kelmarin, ayah aku bawa pergi makan dekat De Rhu Beach Resort, Kuantang. Time tu jugak lah aku jd pelahap(in good manner okay =P) cause seharian tak makan. I was on diet at that time. Ye lah kan, aku da gemuk skrg -.-

Huhu. Then smlm, ayah aku ajak makan steamboat lagi. Aku taktau apa yang tak kena ngan ayah aku. Asyik- asyik steamboat aje. Haha. But then, yang smlm tu mcm tak seronok sgt, cause aku still rasa muak after makan steamboat the day before tu kan. So, aku byk makan ice- cream je. And kalau nak compare, aku rasa steamboat kt hotel tu paling best cause kt situ bole order watermelon juice gelas besar gajah :D

And yeah, lepas ni aku takkan ikut kalau ayah aku ajak makan steamboat lagi. Takut muntah kang. Huhu :P

P/s: jgn minum teh cina yang dyorg hidang tau. tak sedap.
Current mood: happy :(
everything went wrong. what a mess :S

damn. harini aku rasa aku da buat kesilapan besar. hmm. nak menyesal pun da takde guna. nak mintak maaf pun mcm takde guna jugak. haihh. aku rasa teruk gila skrg ni :/



Aku ada satu teka teki utk korg. Benda apa kan, semakin panas, jd semakin keras? Haa. Fikir2 :D
Aku takkan cakap jawapan dia. So pandai2 lah korg fikir. Hehe.

Hm. Btw, smlm aku tido before pukul 12 mlm. Mengantuk sgt kot. Then, I suddenly woke up around 2 a.m. Kenapa? Cause I miss you, girlfriend. I really do. And I ain’t joking. Rasa mcm nak menangis je. And kalau tak silap, aku termimpi pasal dia time tido tu. First time kot. Habis je mimpi, terus tersedar. Aku try recall balik apa yang aku mimpi tu. But then, still samar2. Until now, I can’t get her out of my mind, you know. Tp takpe lah. Stay there je, jgn pergi mana2 yee :) I think it’s okay for me even if you keep playing in my mind for whole day long. Seriously :DD

Hm. Is this normal? I mean, is it normal for a friend to miss his/her friend sampai termimpi- mimpi? Or am I in critical state? Oh no!

P/s: Girlfriend tu kawan perempuan aje okay. Bukan teman wanita :D

disebabkan aku baik hati, jawapan utk teka- teki kt atas tu adalah telur :DD



Harini hari last BPL 2010-1011. Team yang aku support selama ni kalah dlm match td. Team yang aku benci selama ni pulak menang dlm match td. Team yang aku benci selama ni jugak dapat trophy td. Geram gila. They're champion. We? Unlucky for this season. Last season je champion yeayy :(

Actually, last week, we had the opportunity to become the champion. Cause haritu ada perlawanan penentuan. United versus Chelsea. I was in excited state =P Before match tu start, aku maen game kt laptop. Pro Evolution Soccer 2011. Aku control Chelsea, and lawan aku pulak United tu -.- Pastu, keajaiban berlaku. Aku yang tak reti maen game ni, menang 4-0. Hebak kan? :DD Aku ingat tu petanda Chelsea akan menang match malam tu. Hehe. Tp, malang tak berbau. United menang 2-1. Aku terpaku, mulut tergamam, hati aku sebak -_-

So, um. congrats United. Tunggu ktorg next season. Tak payah goyang kaki sangat lah. We'll definitely snatch the trophy back from you. Tunggu je hehe.


Hi. Hello :)

Eh eh. korg pernah tak dpt mesej berangkai? Kalau korg nak tau, aku selalu dpt mesej berangkai*nangeh huwaa T_T. Tak sukeeee. And aku rasa, korg pun mesti tak suka jugak kan? Mcm ngek je org yang start tu haha. And FYI, td aku dapat mesej kt bawah ni =_="

"Hello my name is Paty, When you start reading this message, do not stop. 
Five years ago, I died in a traffic accident. Send this message to 10 person, or 2:00 in the morning that night I'll appear in your bedroom and kill you. No joke, believe me!"

Aku nak tanya satu soalan ni je. If u're dead, then how can you type, huh? -.-
Mmg gila lah kalau kau nak aku percaya. Nampak sgt tipu haha. Aku takkan percaya, and aku takkan forward okayy.Tp kan, kadang2, ada jugak org yang percaya mesej2 mcm ni. Adoy. Tak payah lah forward kt org laen weyy. Bazir kredit korg je. Harga gula kan da naik. Berjimat lah sikit :PP

Haish hmm. Kalau bole, nak je aku sekeh kepala org yang start send mesej ni. Ikat kau kt batu besar, pastu campak dalam sungai. Berkawan lah kau ngan ikan2 kt dalam tu. Pastu, kalau kau tak bernasib baik, kena makang ngan buaya wee :D
Biar padan muka heheh :P

Post kali ni warne warni lagi. Bukan bertujuan nak sakitkan mata korg macam post haritu, tp sbb aku rasa mende mcm ni menarik :DD


I wouldn't want to be anybody else 


You made me insecure 
Told me I wasn't good enough 
But who are you to judge 
When you're a diamond in the rough 
I'm sure you got some things 
You'd like to change about yourself 
But when it comes to me 
I wouldn't want to be anybody else 

Na na na na na 
Na na na na na na 
I'm no beauty queen 
I'm just beautiful me 

La na na na na na na na na! 
La na na na na na na na na! 

You've got every right 
To a beautiful life 
Come on! 

Who says 
Who says you're not perfect 
Who says you're not worth it 
Who says you're the only one that's hurting 
Trust me 
That's the price of beauty 
Who says you're not pretty 
Who says you're not beautiful 
Who says 

It's such a funny thing 
How nothing's funny when it's you 
You tell 'em what you mean 
But they keep whiting out the truth 

It's like a work of art 
That never gets to see the light 
Keep you beneath the stars 
Won't let you touch the sky 

La na na na na na na na na! 
La na na na na na na na na! 

I'm no beauty queen 
I'm just beautiful me 

La na na na na na na na na! 
La na na na na na na na na! 

You've got every right 
To a beautiful life 
Come on!

Who says 
Who says you're not perfect 
Who says you're not worth it 
Who says you're the only one that's hurting 
Trust me 
That's the price of beauty 
Who says you're not pretty 
Who says you're not beautiful 

Who says 
Who says you're not star potential 
Who says you're not presidential 
Who says you can't be in movies 
Listen to me, listen to me 
Who says you don't pass the test 
Who says you can't be the best 
Who said, who said 
Won't you tell me who said that 
Yeah, who said?

Who says 
Who says you're not perfect 
Who says you're not worth it 
Who says you're the only one that's hurting 
Trust me 
That's the price of beauty 
Who says you're not pretty 
Who says you're not beautiful 
Who says

Who says 
Who says you're not perfect 
Who says you're not worth it 
Who says you're the only one that's hurting 
Trust me 
That's the price of beauty 
Who says you're not pretty 
Who says you're not beautiful 
Who says

P/s: nice song, girlfriend (:
      I love you haha :DD



I need a girlfriend right now. Well, bukan girlfriend, actually. The thing I really need now is self confidence hmmmmph ;(
Okay firstly, what is self confidence?

"realistic confidence in one’s own judgment, ability, power, etc … belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities"

Ramai orang cakap, the more self confidence you have, the more likely you'll succeed in life. Sedih kot. Aku ni, bukannye tak confident ngan aku puny ability, tp tak confident ngan diri aku sendiri. It's like, sometimes, aku akan berjalan sambil tunduk sume tu lah. Kadang2 jugak, aku akan stay away from publics. Cause aku rasa org laen jauh lebih baik dr aku in terms of everything. Sometimes, aku ada dengar voice dari dalam diri aku yang cakap "you're going to do it wrong" bla3 sume tu lah. That's why time aku nak cakap ngan orang pun, aku akan pandang bawah, or maybe pandang tepi. Hurm. Aku takde confidence arghhhh -____-"

So, aku rasa, sebab takde self confidence, aku jd pemalu zzz. Sebab tu lah aku kurang bercakap. Tambah2 lagi dgn girls -.- Ramai orang tegur aku pasal malu aku ni, tp sampai skrg still tak bole nak ubah. haih. Tp kan, malu ni bagus jugak, sebab it prevents me from having a special relationship. Yelah kan, nak ada girlfriend, kena berani bercakap sume tu =D

Damn. I need to improve my self confidence -.-
So, I'll start with smiling and making direct eye contact :D

*erk da pukul 4 pagi, and aku masih belum tido. 8 pagi nanti ada kelas memandu -.-
 tido dulu. byee :D


I always wonder, what's the point of having a blog?
For fun? For criticising people and all those stuffs?
Or maybe for bussiness, like selling things?
I just don't get it. But then, only now I realised the reasons why I blog.

I think, I write because I want to express myself. I can now let out my frustrations due to my daily problems. So, um, it helps me to relax a bit. Plus, I can talk about my day and share my opinions.
And the most important thing is, it helps me to overcome boredom =DD

I guess that's all. So, how about yours? :)


I will try to protect you as long as I'm alive =)



This will be my last post fr today :D

Smlm aku pergi umah kawan aku. Ada kenduri tahlil. Hmmmph, takziah, H. Lepas tahlil tu habis, kawan aku ajak pergi bandar. So I was like, "WTH, kita sume pakai baju melayu je ni". Haha tp, ktorg still pergi jugak. Asalnya plan ktorg nak pergi terminal je sbb ada org nak beli tiket bas. Then, tetiba pulak dyorg ajak pergi TC. Bagi org luar yang taktau apa itu TC, TC ni sejenis kuih =P

Sampai je sana, mcm y aku expect, sume org pandang mcm pelik je. Especially couple2 kt sana. Berbisik- bisik pulak tu. Mengumpat lah kan. HAHAHA. Aku buat muka tebal je. Hish. Ape tengok2? Nak gaduh?*gurau. aku ni baek le :')

Hm. Disebabkan ktorg da berpakaian mcm orang alim ni(muntah) and plus, kawan aku pulak siap dengan kain pelekat skali, ktorg pun buat lah operasi sikit. Pakai kopiah, pergi cari kereta yang mencurigakan kt tempat sunyi and gelap, pastu pretend mcm ktorg ni pencegah maksiat hahaha. Sumpah lawak. Ktorg kan ramai, so mcm menjadi gila lah. And you know what, banyak jugak kereta2 yang mencurigakan blah lepas nampak kami yeayy.

Aku gelak je memanjang. First time buat kerja gila mcm tu :D

Time nak balik tu kan, ktorg ada nampak orang lelaki menyerupai perempuan kt tepi jalan, or lebih dikenali ngan nama 'ehem2'(korg tahu2 sendiri lah kan =P ). Kawan aku pulak, buat selok pergi record 'ehem2' tu hahah. Time tengah record tu kan, 'ehem2' perasan, pastu menjerit sambil mencarut kt ktorg HAHAHA. Naseb baik dia tak baling kasut je xDD

Btw, the video was quite funny. Haha. Nak upload kt sini ke tak eh? Hm. Malas lah :P


Hi all :D
Cuti bulan ni bosan gila. Taktau nak buat apa. So petang td, aku kuar maen futsal. Lama bangat tak maen. Sampaikan lari sikit2 pun da letih. Damn. I think I need to start jogging :)

Huhu. Time tengah maen tu kan, aku tergelincir. Yelahh, kasut aku tu, bunga dia da layu. So, senang licin lah kan. Teruk jugak td. Kaki aku berdarah. Ingatkan nak pergi hospital. Tp tak jd. Heheh -.-

Balik rumah lepas tu, aku makan sejenis ubi kt atas meja kt dapur. Kalau tak silap aku, ubi badak kot. Or dalam English, orang panggil "Rhino potato". Huhuhu :PP Then, aku terfikir, dari mana asal usul ubi badak ni? Haha. Fikir punya fikir, aku rasa lah kan, suatu masa dulu, ada satu badak ni. Dia kesunyian, tadek teman hidup. Then, ada satu hari tu, dia jumpa ubi kt dalam hutan. Well, love at first sight lah kan. Da suka sama suka, so apa lagi? =D

badak : will you marry me, ubi?

ubi : sure, honey. I love you <3

Wow romantik kan? So selepas beberapa ketika, ubi pregnant. Tak lama lepas tu, lahir lah baby dyorg. Mujurlah baby tu iras mak dia, si ubi. Cuba korg fikir sikit. Mcm mana kalau anak ubi tu, iras ayah dia, si badak? HAHA mesti pelik gila gila kan? xD

So, um.. ni equation yang aku dapat.

genetic badak + genetic ubi = ubi badak


Okay kali ni aku rasa aku betul. CONFIRM :D

P/s : Post kali ni warna-warni. Haha. Saje nak sakitkan mata korg. Hehe.



Me : Ma, nak kuar harini.

Mama : Nak pergi mana?

Me : Nak shopping kt ECM hehe. Ma, boleh tolong hantarkan?*buat muke kesian

Mama : Sorry, mama ada kerja.

zzz. Terus hilang mood nak kuar. Ni lah prob aku skrg. Nak kuar tu mmg lah nak, tp slalu je ada masalah transport. Lesen baru buat separuh jalan. Dari bulan lima tahun lepas still tak siap siap lesen aku. Ngek je. Skrg da nak masuk setahun tangguh lesen. Hooyeah sukenyeeeee -.-

So cuti ni, aku bertekad nak dapatkan lesen tu. Sempat ke tak, aku pun taktau. Cuti tak sampai dua minggu je lagi. Haihh. Harap2 sempat lah kan. Kalau tak sempat buat, I swear I will kill myself -.- Hoho tipu je. Tak berani aku.

Hehe. Nanti aku da siap lesen tu kan, aku bawa korg sume jalan2 eh? Kita round satu Malaysia*huyohh melebih- lebih -.-


SAD, HUH? :(

Saya tahu awak sedang bersedih

Tp saya tak mampu berbuat apa- apa

Kerana saya sedar siapa saya ni

Hmm. Nak je aku bertanya pasal problem yang dia hadapi tu. Cause aku rasa aku faham apa yang dia rasa. Perit jugak, kadang2 bila tak dpt nak tolong. Kesian, tau? Nak je aku tanya dia "Eh, awAk. Saya rasa awak mcm tengah sedih je. Kalau sudi, share lah prob tu". But instead, aku just diamkan diri. Nak tanya tuan punya badan pun segan.

Eh awak, tolong lah saya please :(( Jangan lah sedih mcm tu skali. Saya pun sedih jugak ni. Saya nak awak tabah je. Jgn lah menangis dahh hurm. Saya tau awak cuba sorok perasaan awak tu. Saya tau. Saya tau sgt2.
Take a deep breath, girl. You do not deserve the pain. And saya harap DIA kt atas sana tu akan ringankan masalah awak :/


Urghh. Rambut da makin panjang. Serabut gilaa. Haritu aku suke rambut panjang. Tp sekarang mcm da kurg. Haritu jugak, aku buat rambut spiky. Bagi aku, mmg lah seronok. Tp, bagi parents aku tak -.- Selalu kena kutuk ish. Erk. Bukan kena kutuk, act. Dyorg just ejek aku jelahh. Terasa kot. Hurm. Tu dulu. Skrg ni rambut aku da tak spiky. Cause even aku sendiri pun rasa style tu mcm cildish sgt :P
Hee. So, skrg ni aku sedang fikir pasal hairstyle baru. Tp, taktau nak buat rambut mcm mana pulak. Botak? Spiky lagi? Punk? or messy, maybe? :D

MESSY! Huyohh style ni mcm best :D
Oh, lupa nak cakap. Kalau korg nak tau, hairstyle korg tu memainkan peranan penting, tau? Sbb rambut tu mengambarkan karakter someone. Besides, hairstyle jugaklah yang akan menyerlahkan or spoilkan  korg puny appearance :)


Hi folks :D
Pernah tengok "Remember Me"? Yea, aku tahu movie ni da lama kuar -.- Tp td aku baru je tengok. Biarlah korg nak kata aku ni ketinggalan ke ape ke, janji aku tengok. Hee. Summary movie ni, berdasarkan info yang aku dpt kt Astro adalah seperti berikut :-

"His relationship with his father strained in the wake of a family tragedy, a rebellious teen finds love with one girl who understands him"

Haa, so korg da dpt imagine sedikit sebanyak pasal movie tu? Good ! Movie ni berkisar pasal love, family and friendship tau. Starting movie ni sad, ending pun sad jugak. And FYI, I really really really hate sad ending. Why? Aku pun taktau. But for sure, lepas aku habis je tengok apeape movie yg ending dia sedih, hati aku jd tak tenang. Hmmm.

Robert Pattinson jadik hero lagi  -.-
Haa, that's all for this post. To those yang da tengok movie ni, tahniah :D And to those yang belum, sila- sila lah tengok nanti ;)



It was last week, I guess. Aku ada tengok satu movie ni kt Astro. Kalau tak silap aku, nama movie tu "Cinderella-Ever After" kot. And movie tu menarik, for sure. Yelahh, sape tak minat Cinderella kan? Hehe.
But then, after movie tu habis, I suddenly came to think, "Does Cinderella really exist?". Some said yes, and some said no. Aku pulak in the middle, taktau whether betul atau tak.
Tp kan, kalau lah Cinderella tu betul2 wujud and bukan sekadar fairy tale mcm yang kebanyakan org cakap, then aku pun nak jugak my own Cinderella. And I'll definitely be the Cinderella Man :) Cause in my opinion, every guy has their own Cinderella. Huhu. Congrats! Aku berfantasi lagi -.- Imaginasi oh imaginasi. Sekejap vampire lah, sekejap Cinderella lah. Hmmmphh.

Selena! Comel kan, comel kan? :D


Here is my another secret. But this time, it's bigger than before. You know what, I am, actually a VAMPIRE. Don't be suprise, guys. You all should know that we, vampires are not a myth. I've been living among human for decades, and guess what? I feed on blood. Ohh, human blood, to be more specific.
Now your hands are shaking, huh? Don't be scared. You are my friends, so you are all safe :D

This is how my teeth look like. Quite similar to Edward's :P

Haha okay stop fantasizing, please -.-

I call myself a vampire, not because I suck human blood. It's just because of my extraordinary sleep time, haha that's all. Cause I usually sleep throughout the day and wake up at night. And yeah, I don't sleep inside any coffin -_-



Haha. Mcm post2 yg sebelum ni, post ni pendek je. Cause aku just nak bagitahu korg satu secret pasal aku punya hobby. Aku ni, actually, suke delete post yg lamelame :D
Haha pelik kan? Haish, aku delete pun ada sebabny. Sbb aku ni kadang2 tak senang dgn apa yg aku da tulis. Ye lah kan, haritu dlm blog ni aku ada post pasal benda2 jiwang dan fantasi2 aku haha. Aku taknak lah org mengata sume tu. Tp kadang2, aku pelik jugak cause bila aku melawat blog org laen, dyorg tu mcm selamba je post menda2 mcm tu. Mmg RESPECT lah korg. Berani kot. Aku je tak. Coward? Hm. Lebih kurg lah.


Tadaa~ This is Maple Story. It's a 2D online game, developed by Nixon, if I'm not mistaken. I was used to be so obsessed with this game. Hehe. But then, I can't play this game anymore, so I'm a lil bit sad about this. Pity me, aite? Hm. It was fun, afterall :D

I died -.-

look at his name -.-

Even snails fall in love haha. Hm okay i think I'm jealous.

From left: daus', miroo's and mine :)